Thursday, May 4, 2017

Picture of the Week - 5/4/2017

The photographer for this week's pictures was Beckett.  Not even kidding...  

One night at Zane's practice he was flipping himself back and forth, up and over the chain link fence.  For a while, I tried to stop him from climbing the fence, perching on top, and leaping back off.  I was certain he would fall, he would bleed, or he would rip his clothes.  He's done none of those things.  He HAS ignored all my requests for him to stop.  SO now I just let him go.  And he's a VERY VERY VERY skilled fence climber.  I'm so proud...

Anyway, so he was climbing the fence, like a monkey, and I was standing there beside him and he started asking for my phone - which I never give him.  He wanted to take pictures.  I resisted for a while, but that child can be very persistent.  And I'm very old and tired.  HA!  So I caved and handed him my phone.  I asked him to be careful and figured I'd just delete all the pictures he took.  Don't you know that he got some great ones!  At one point he was laying on his belly in the middle of the field while the team was doing their post-practice huddle.  He took the picture here of that huddle and while he was doing it I actually looked at the parents beside me and said "that's gonna be a cool picture".

He also took the picture with the cool sunbeam in it.  No idea how he managed that one, but you can see me in the background on the "parent side" of the fence.  LOL

My lesson - sometimes it's a good idea to just say "yes" and see what happens.  

This weekend is the end of our spring 2017 lacrosse season.  It's been a bit of a mixed bag.  Beck and Zane have had a great season.  Spencer's has sucked because he's been sidelined through the whole thing.  Quinn's has been OK, but not great.  He's gotten a lot better and worked on his skills, but his team hasn't had a great season.  By this time in the season, every year, I'm just ready for it all to be over.  This year is no exception.  I'll be glad when we can throw all the nasty pads in the wash and call it done for a bit.  It's time for us to just stop and breathe for a bit.

Have a great week everyone!  I'm off to NYC for a couple of days next week and Spencer officially starts freshman football - although he can't participate in anything yet...  dumb shoulder.

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