Thursday, April 16, 2015

Picture of the Week - 4/16/2015

Do you guys like looking down memory lane?  Of course!  Who doesn't???

Do you use Timehop?  I'd seen this little app pop up on social media a few times, but it took me a while to jump on the Timehop bandwagon.  It too me too long!  If you haven't tried Timehop, and you have a smartphone, and you like to look at adorable pictures from your past, go get Timehop!!

Timehop does a pretty simple job.  It goes through all your social media posts and will show you what you posted to Facebook or Instagram or Twitter on this day in years past.  I've been somewhat embarrassed to see how cyclical my postings are!  About the same time every year I complain about the same things - time change, going through closets, busy sports schedules.  Good grief I am boring!  Why do you guys put up with me???

Timehop also digs through all your old pictures and shares those that were taken on this day over the years.  This is where I've found the most interest and value in this little app.  It also makes me want to take more pictures.  There have been many pictures shared of things that I've forgotten many details about.  Did you know that 14 years ago last week my mom and I were in Paris?  Pretty cool way to dig up old memories.

Just today Timehop hit a homerun in the "remember that" department.  I was so blown away with the things it reminded me of that I decided to do a little unpaid Timehop sales pitch.  (If there are any Timehop people out there looking for a spokeswoman, call me!  LOL)

In my Timehop feed this morning I had pictures from 2 years ago that I had taken at a lacrosse practice for Quinn.  It was a beautiful, warm spring evening and I had a 1 year old Beckett with me.  I grabbed a precious shot of a special moment between Quinn and Beck that night.  One of my all time favorite pictures because it captures the caring nature of our second boy perfectly.  Truly one of those "picture is worth a thousand words" kind of shots.  I also got a glimpse of the crazy nature of our youngest that night as I caught him scaling the chain link fence with wreckless abandon!

And then Timehop jumped ahead (or back?) to 7 years ago.  Apparently on this date 7 years ago my dad came over and helped the big boys build a sandbox.  Of course I remember the sandbox.  It was in our backyard for years.  But until this morning, I would never have been able to tell you exactly when that sandbox made its way to our house.  The pictures show a serious amount of patience as Pappy helped the boys, then 5 and 4, work power tools and read directions.  There are about 15 pictures of them working on this project and the last one is the grand finale with the boys sitting in a pile of sand happily playing.  Pretty neat memory that I had completely forgotten about!

To completely outdo itself, Timehop ALSO shared pictures from 9 years ago.  On this day in 2006 we must have taken a ride to see our new house, which was in the framing stage 9 years ago today.  Crazy to think that this humble abode is 9 years old.  Crazy!!!

After checking on construction progress it seems we had a little picnic or something at my mom's house.  There are some pictures of the boys with a baby Ella.  And then, as so often happens at Berber's, a water game broke out.  I don't really remember the day, but the photos paint a pretty cool picture of a pretty fun time!  I loved this picture of Spencer.  He was only 3.  The age Beck is now.  Goodness...  time flies...

Enjoy your weekend!  Take lots of pictures!  And if you like being reminded of special times in years past, go get Timehop!!

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