Thursday, December 10, 2015

Picture of the Week - 12/10/2015

Newsy kind of update today.

First update is about Quinn.  He recently tried out for the percussion group in the band.  He had been interested in percussion from the start, but the band director makes the kids start on a different instrument and try out for percussion.  He made it!  He's so excited!  I'm so excited for him!  He's much more a drum kind of guy than a trumpet kind of guy.  

Spencer participated in his first middle school wrestling duel on Sunday.  It's his first wrestling match in around 4 years.  Maybe 5.  He got his first PIN!  Super proud of him.  He lost some matches too and the team came in 5th.  But it was good for him to get out and learn.  And I am pretty sure that he got more coaching in the 7 hours we were at the duel than he did the entire last YEAR he wrestled.  He says wrestling is way harder than football.  
Beckett continues to thrive at the new school.  So cute!  And such a relief!!!  He's also becoming quiet the little chef.  He insists (literally, there is no saying NO to him) on "helping" in the kitchen.  Holiday baking is quite the experience.  He knows just where to pull his chair over and has gotten quite good at cracking eggs without breaking yolks, measure sugar and flour with a measuring cup (including the bit where you level out the cup), and working my mixer.  The other morning Spence was making eggs and Beck insisted on COOKING his own.  I figured - has to learn sometime...  So he cracked is own eggs, mixed them up to make scrambled, and then cooked them.  He nearly did a fantastic job - right up until the very end when he touched the pan.  He burnt his fingers, fussed for a minute, then ate the whole egg.  LOL  He's pretty funny!

Zane has had a pretty quiet couple of weeks.  He's enjoying his downtime and has been filling up his new Kindle with books to read and/or look at pictures.  He's also ALL about Christmas this year.  He wants everything he sees on commercials.  He seeks out the elf every morning.  He talks about Santa and the events that are coming every day.  He's single handedly getting me into the Christmas spirit.  It's hard not to get excited when his enthusiasm is so infectious!  

Last weekend we had a birthday celebration for my mom.  It was completed by a photo session in front of the restaurant with all members of the party wearing ugly Christmas sweaters - mostly borrowed.  Hilarious!  I can't wait to share the results, but I am not going to be ruining any surprises and these gems will be featured on my parent's holiday cards!  Stay tuned!  

This weekend is Bob's birthday!  I've convinced my parents to watch the boys for a bit on Saturday so we can celebrate.  Any bets on what kind of drunken Target purchases we make?  Cause we normally end up at Target buying random things after a couple of glasses of birthday wine.  :)

Have a great week everyone!

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