Thursday, February 28, 2013

Picture of the Week - 2/28/2013

So long February!  I am ready for spring!!!
This past week has been WAY outside our normal routine!  This time last week we were on our way to board a cruise ship with a bunch of fellow Buckeye's and a couple of good friends.  (Hi Bigs!)  I admit that I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was pretty excited to be on the proverbial doorstep of a rare adventure. 
We really had a great time!  There were parts of the Buckeye Cruise that seemed surreal.  There was an alumni band and alumni cheerleaders.  Brutus was there.  And a couple dozen former football players who I was unexpectedly star struck to see walking around.  All of this in the middle of the Caribbean.  Odd...  but a really good time. 
And even though we have only been home for a couple of days, it seems like it was SO long ago!  Welcome back to reality. 
It was awesome to see the boys and my parents again.  We definitely aren't used to be away for so long.  Even my work-related trips aren't usually more than a couple of days.  They all did great!  Thanks Berber and Pappy!!!  Now we know you can handle them all for a few days.  Bawhahahaha  :) 
Easily the worst part of the return to reality (aside from having to be somewhat coherent at work) is lacrosse practice.  It's COLD.  Luckily my dad has stepped in so we don't have to drag the little guys out of the house too much.  I am definitely ready for some warmer weather.  The trees have started blooming, it's light on my way to work in the morning, and the daffodils are out of the ground.  Won't be long now!!
I will just have to stare at this picture and remember drinking CocoLocos on Coco Cay until we can get the last of the winter weather behind us!  Have a great weekend everyone.  We only have 2 more practices and 3 games before we get a day off from lacrosse.  Phew!

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