Thursday, May 27, 2021

Picture of the Week - 5/27/2021

 It's a little hard to wrap my head around everything that has happened since last Thursday.  There are so many memories crammed into 7 days!  I did learn one thing about myself, however, and that is that I take terrible graduation pictures!  (When I remember to take them at all...)  That's definitely something to work on before Quinn's graduation next year!

Spencer officially graduated on Sunday.  Leading up to the big day, was a Friday night dinner with Bob's mom and sister.  Then a Saturday full of perfect weather and a super fun party packed with friends and family AND a big celebratory dinner!  It was a really special weekend.  

Monday Bob and I celebrated our 24th wedding anniversary.  I love May 24th because it not only gives us an excuse to remember that special day, but it is also an obvious opportunity to stop and think about the amazing life we have built together.  It's a special thing that I am grateful for every day.  I don't take this marriage and our relationship for granted because I know how amazing it is!  To celebrate, we had a photo shoot for some updated family portraits.  It was fun!  We've been using this photographer for at least 12 years - which is pretty crazy to think about!  I can't wait to see the results!

Then Tuesday we got to celebrate Zane's transition from elementary to middle school.  (I hesitate to call that a graduation because, honestly, it's expected... but it IS a big transition!)  Zane is ready to put Whitlow into his rear view mirror and tackle Vickery Middle School.  He's done the school tours and met some of the teachers - and has the distinct benefit of a recognizable last night.  I think he's gonna thrive there!

Last night Bob and I sent the boys off to wrestling practice and had a super fun date night - with wine.  And today the boys are all up at the pool celebrating the last day of school with their neighborhood buddies.  

There aren't many weeks like this last one.  My emotions have been more stable than I would have guessed given the extraordinary level of change we are all going through right now.  I have had some moments - like when Zane joined the middle school church group alongside his 5th grade peers (forgot to mention that one) on Sunday.  Spencer's graduation was not a sad event for me, but watching his wrestling team turn out at his party to wish him well choked me up.  

I'm guessing that those little moments will continue to hit me when they want to over the coming months, which I will gladly accept because my dominant feeling this past week is one of happiness and pride of all the things my boys are accomplishing.  I love the people they are becoming and can't wait to see what's next for them!

Speaking of what's next...  tomorrow morning Bob is packing Spencer and Zane into the car and heading to Virginia Beach for a wrestling Duals competition.  Some say this is the biggest Duals competition in the country each year.  There will be people from all over the states.  It will be tough for sure!  

When they return Spencer will be down to 21 days at home before he has to report to The Citadel.  3 weeks.  Excuse me while I have a little moment...

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Picture of the Week - 5/20/2021

 Last week was such a weird week for me to skip a POTW message because so much happened.  And yet, it was also so perfectly busy and fun and happy that I'm not even going to apologize for staying in the moment and not thinking about sending out an email.  I didn't even think about the POTW until mid-day Saturday and then by the time we were home and settled... well I'm not sure we will actually be settled until July...

Anyway - a LOT has happened in the last 2 weeks - and all of it is really good stuff.  And most of it is wrestling-related.

Last weekend we went to Myrtle Beach for a tournament in the middle of a gasoline shortage.  The entire trip was in jeopardy for a while and even as we packed up the car and left for the coast we weren't really sure if we were making the right decision.  Turns out everything was fine and we had a blast - and Spencer had an amazing tournament.

On Friday Spence and Quinn wrestled in a duals tourney.  Quinn was, obviously, with our high school team and Spence was picked up as a "free agent" to fill a spot on a team in Ohio.  Neither team did particularly well in the tournament, but in these big national tourneys a high school team is really never going to be able to compete with a club team full of recruited wrestlers.  We don't go to these things to bring home trophies.  It's really all about experience and bonding with the team (and each other).  

Spencer, however, had an amazing day on Friday and went 5-0 with 4 pins and one forfeit.  He was named an All American and was SO FUN to watch.  

Saturday all 4 boys participated in the individual tournament.  This was the first and only tournament that all 4 boys will ever wrestle in together.  I don't imagine there are too many other families out there who can claim 4 wrestlers in a single event.  It was pretty special.  So of course I had to get matching t-shirts!!    The 3 younger brothers had a rough go, but Spencer killed it again on Saturday going 3-0 w 2 more pins and a win on points.  He only gave up 5 points total all weekend.  It was a dominant performance.  He won the 220 lb high school weight class and is ready to get after it again next weekend in his last high school match.  He's dropping to the 195 lb spot for another duals team competing at Virginia Beach.  This one is another national tournament - with even more wrestlers attending.  The competition should be even better than what we saw in Myrtle, so it'll be a good test.  Zane is also making that trip to wrestle as the elementary team's 120.  Bob is taking on chauffeur and snack duties while I hold down the fort at home. 

But before we can get to that trip next week, we have this small event going on this weekend - Spencer's graduation!!!  He finished up classes and exams last week.  Had senior breakfast on Tuesday.  (Thank you to everyone who sent a letter to him for his Blue Envelope!)  And now we are gearing up for his party and dinner on Saturday and then the actual graduation on Sunday evening.  I have definitely had moments where I'm in utter disbelief that this day is here, but I'm also just so excited to see where he goes from here that it's impossible to be sad.  It's a big milestone, to be sure!  But it's also the opening of a door to a path that will be uniquely Spencer's.  I can't wait to see where it goes.

Oh yeah - and just for icing on the crazy-May cake...  last night at wrestling practice J'den Cox (world/Olympic wrestler) showed up.  He wrestled with everyone in the room - how awesome.  Here's a picture of him with the boys.  

OK - next week I promise I won't flake and forget to send a POTW.  It will be full of graduation memories that I can't wait to capture!

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Picture of the Week - 5/6/2021

 Quite a lot has happened since last Thursday!!

Bob and I had a really really fun mini-vacation in Hiawassee.  The weather was so perfect and we were able to relax and rejuvenate.  It was awesome!

Spencer and Quinn had a successful prom and everyone had so much fun!  I got pictures too!  I'm so glad they were able to make those memories!

This week is, of course, Mother's Day!  Wishing a very happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!  Looking forward to celebrating with my mom on Saturday and then with my boys on Sunday.  Maybe I can talk my boys into an updated picture too!