Well, I'm all off schedule this week! Holidays on Thursdays and time off and getting unplugged from this computer have all thrown my Thursday POTW schedule for a loop.
Happily managing a house of chaos! A mom to 4 boys, lover of dogs, beginning quilter, full time product manager and blessed wife to my best friend.
Monday, December 28, 2020
Picture of the Week - 12/28/2020
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Picture of the Week - 12/17/2020
Before I get into family news, can I just vent for a second about all the messages out "there" saying how happy everyone is that 2020 is almost over because it's been such a train-wreck of a year? I hate these messages. They irritate me for lots of reasons. One - do NOT fall into the trap of thinking that 2020 was only bad. It wasn't. Even if you have suffered hugely - and I know lots of people have - there are undoubtedly things that happened in 2020 that weren't all bad. If you happen to be reading this, the fact that you woke up today is one of them. Two - there is no magic that will happen at midnight on 12/31/2020 that will cause all the pain and suffering in the world to go away. Covid will still be here on 1/1/2021. So it's non-sense to think that all the sudden the bad crap can be thrown out with the old calendar.
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Picture of the Week - 12/10/2020
Christmas is only 15 days away! Crazy!! Exciting!! Festive!!
Thursday, December 3, 2020
Picture of the Week - 12/3/2020
Turns out the only pictures I've taken in the last week are of food and my dogs. Read into that information what you'd like... LOL